My teaching activities at the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering include lecturing several courses and supervising students‘ research projects.
As a PhD student at the Department of Mathematics, I lead the following courses:
- Calculus exercises (01MAT1, 01MAT2) – 2017-2022
- Basics of programming in C/C++ (18ZPRO) – 2018-2020
- Practical training of programming (01PROP) – 2019-2022
- Seminar for mainframe systems (01SMF) – 2019
As a research assistant at the Department of Software Engineering, I lead the following courses:
- Basics of Programming (18ZPRO) – since 2023
- Programming in Python 2 (18PPY2) – since 2023
- Practical training in programming (18PROP) – since 2023
- Development of internet applications (18INTA) – since 2023
- Programming in C++ 2 (18PRC2) – since 2023
Course materials
- ZPRO 2018
- ZPRO 2019
- ZPRO 2020
- ZPRO 2023
- PROP 2021
- PROP 2022
- PROP 2023
- PROP 2024
- INTA 2023
- INTA 2024
- INTA 2025 (Erasmus class)
- CLOUD 2025
Supervised students
- Jan Kovář (as a consultant) – research project Mathematical modeling of contrast agent transport and its transfer through the vessel wall in vascular flow (2020-2021)
- Ján Bobot – MSc thesis Implementation of data structure for polyhedral numerical meshes in TNL (2021-2022)
- Dominik Horák (as a consultant) – research project Numerical model of non-isothermal flow around obstacles based on the lattice Boltzmann method (2022-2023)
- Klára Přikrylová – BSc thesis Implementation of parallel algorithms for QR decomposition of real matrices in TNL library and their application (2022-2023)
- Illia Kolesnik – MSc thesis Implementation of data structure for adaptive hierarchical meshes in the TNL library (2022-2024)
- Dominik Horák – MSc thesis Mathematical modeling of non-isothermal turbulent flow around obstacles using the lattice Boltzmann method (2023-2024)
- Marek Makovec – BSc thesis Parallel implementation of algorithm for implicit immersed boundary method in the TNL-LBM project (2023-2024)
- Filip Borsodi – BSc thesis Implementation of components for distributed data management using the ADIOS2 library (2023-2024)
- Marek Salaba – BSc thesis Implementation of algorithms for calculating matrix eigenvalues in the TNL library (2023-2024)
- Kryštof Krejčí – BSc thesis User interface development for advanced searching in the MBDB project (2023-2024)
- Ilya Vorobyev – BSc thesis Implementation of advanced parallel algorithms for multidimensional arrays in the TNL library (2023-2024)
Work in progress:
- Dmitri Curdoglo – BSc thesis Implementation of in situ visualization for TNL-LBM (2024-2025)
- Tony Karásek – BSc thesis Implementation of a model for the motion of deformable bodies in fluid flow (2024-2025)
- Ruslan Guliev – BSc thesis Numerical algorithms for the computation of singular value decomposition (SVD) (2024-2025)
- Arsenii Mets – BSc thesis Implementation of extensions for JupyterHub FJFI (2024-2025)
- Kryštof Krejčí (as a consultant) – research project Verification Processes and Reviewer Automation in MBDB (2024-2025)
- Daniel Zahálka (as a consultant) – research project Automated grading of programming assignments (2024-2025)
- Ondřej Marek (as a consultant) – MSc thesis Simulation of compressible flow using the Lattice Boltzmann Method (2024-2025)
Open topics for students
Students interested in my supervision for their BSc or MSc degree projects can choose from the following open topics: