Research group: Mathematical Modelling Group
Research projects
I participate or participated in and received some funds from the following research projects:
- Translation of mathematical modeling and optimization techniques to cardiovascular medicine, project Inter-Excellence no. LUAUS25049 of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (2025-2028).
- Off-diagonal thermodynamics and its connection with other factors as a route to predictable selectivity in C-H bond cleavage, project no. GA24-11247S of the Czech Science Foundation (2024-2026).
- Multiphase flow, transport, and structural changes related to water freezing and thawing in the subsurface, project no. 21-09093S of the Czech Science Foundation (2021-2023).
- Development and application of advanced mathematical modeling methods for natural and industrial processes using high-performance computing, project no. SGS20/184/OHK4/3T/14 of the Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University (2020-2022).
- Research centre for informatics, project of excellent research no. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000765, Operational Programme of Research, Development and Education, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (2018-2022).
- Computational Models and Experimental Investigation of Fluid Dynamics, Mass Transfer and Transport, and Phase Transitions in Porous Media for Environmental Applications, project Inter-Excelence MSMT no. LTAUSA19021 of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (2020-2022).
- Analysis of flow character and prediction of evolution in endovascular treated arteries by magnetic resonance imaging coupled with mathematical modeling, project no. NV19-08-00071 of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic (2019-2022).
- Research centre for low-carbon energy technologies, project of excellent research no. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000753, Operational Programme of Research, Development and Education, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (2018-2022).
- Large structures in boundary layers over complex surfaces under high Reynolds numbers, project no. 18-09539S of the Czech Science Foundation (2018-2020).
- Investigation of shallow subsurface flow with phase transitions, project no. 17-06759S of the Czech Science Foundation (2017-2019).
- Application of advanced supercomputing methods in mathematical modeling of natural processes, project no. SGS17/194/OHK4/3T/14 of the Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University (2017-2019).
- Quantitative mapping of myocard and of flow dynamics by means of MR imaging for patients with nonischemic cardiomyopathy - development of methodology, project no. NV15-27178A of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic (2015-2018).
- Advanced supercomputing methods for mathematical modeling of natural processes, project no. SGS14/206/OHK4/3T/14 of the Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University (2014-2016).
Peer-reviewed articles in impacted journals
- J. Klinkovský, A. C. Trautz, R. Fučík, T. H. Illangasekare,
Lattice Boltzmann method–based efficient GPU simulator for vapor transport in the boundary layer over a moist soil: Development and experimental validation.
Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 2023, 138, 65-87. DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2023.02.021 - M. Beneš, P. Eichler, J. Hrdlička, J. Klinkovský, M. Kolář, T. Smejkal, P. Skopec, J. Solovský, P. Strachota, A. Žák,
Experimental validation of multiphase particle-in-cell simulations of fluidization in a bubbling fluidized bed combustor.
Powder Technology. 2023, 416, 118204. ISSN 0032-5910. DOI: 10.1016/j.powtec.2022.118204 - R. Fučík, P. Eichler, J. Klinkovský, R. Straka, T. Oberhuber, Lattice Boltzmann Method Analysis Tool (LBMAT).
Numerical Algorithms. 2022. ISSN 1572-9265. DOI: 10.1007/s11075-022-01476-8 - J. Klinkovský, T. Oberhuber, R. Fučík, V. Žabka, Configurable open-source data structure for distributed conforming unstructured homogeneous meshes with GPU support.
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. 2022, 48(3), 1-33. ISSN 0098-3500. DOI: 10.1145/3536164 - M. Beneš, P. Eichler, R. Fučík, J. Hrdlička, J. Klinkovský, M. Kolář, T. Smejkal, P. Skopec, J. Solovský, P. Strachota, R. Straka, A. Žák, Experimental and numerical investigation of air flow through the distributor plate in a laboratory-scale model of a bubbling fluidized bed boiler.
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics. 2022. DOI: 10.1007/s13160-022-00518-x - T. Oberhuber, J. Klinkovský, R. Fučík, TNL: Numerical library for modern parallel architectures.
Acta Polytechnica. 2021, 61(SI), 122-134. ISSN 1805-2363. DOI: 10.14311/AP.2021.61.0122 - M. Beneš, P. Eichler, J. Klinkovský, M. Kolář, J. Solovský, P. Strachota, A. Žák, Modeling and Simulation of Bed Dynamics in Oxyfuel Fluidized Bed Boilers.
Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2019. Cham: Springer International Publishing AG, 2021. p. 919-927. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering. vol. 139. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-55874-1_91 - M. Beneš, P. Eichler, J. Klinkovský, M. Kolář, J. Solovský, P. Strachota, A. Žák, Numerical simulation of fluidization for application in oxyfuel combustion.
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series – S. 2021, 14(3), 769-783. DOI: 10.3934/dcdss.2020232 - R. Fučík, R. Galabov, P. Pauš, P. Eichler, J. Klinkovský, J. Tintěra, R. Chabiniok, Investigation of phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging underestimation of turbulent flow through the aortic valve phantom: Experimental and computational study using lattice Boltzmann method.
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine. 2020, 33 649-662. DOI: 10.1007/s10334-020-00837-5 - R. Fučík, P. Eichler, R. Straka, P. Pauš, J. Klinkovský, T. Oberhuber, On optimal node spacing for immersed boundary–lattice Boltzmann method in 2D and 3D.
Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 2019, 77(4), 1144-1162. DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2018.10.045 - R. Fučík, J. Klinkovský, J. Solovský, T. Oberhuber, J. Mikyška, Multidimensional mixed-hybrid finite element method for compositional two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media and its parallel implementation on GPU.
Computer Physics Communications. 2019, 238 165-180. DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2018.12.004
Contributions in conference proceedings
- M. Beneš, P. Eichler, J. Klinkovský, M. Kolář, T. Smejkal, J. Solovský, P. Strachota, A. Žák, J. Hrdlička, P. Skopec, CFD Simulation and Experimental Analysis of Fluidization in a Model of an Oxyfuel Fluidized Bed Boiler.
Proceedings of the Conference Algoritmy 2020, Editors: P. Frolkovič, K. Mikula and D. Ševčovič. SPEKTRUM, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2020, pp. 101-110. ISBN 978-80-227-5032-5. [PDF]
- J. Klinkovský, Data Structures and Parallel Algorithms for Numerical Solvers in Computational Fluid Dynamics.
Ph.D. thesis, supervisors T. Oberhuber and R. Fučík, FNSPE, CTU in Prague (2023). [DSpace, PDF, sources] - J. Klinkovský, Mathematical modelling of two-phase compositional flow in porous media.
Master‘s thesis, supervisor R. Fučík, FNSPE, CTU in Prague (2017). [PDF] - J. Klinkovský, Numerical solution of two-phase immiscible flow in porous media with capillarity and its implementation on GPU.
Research assignment, supervisor R. Fučík, FNSPE, CTU in Prague (2016). [PDF] - J. Klinkovský, Numerical solution of single-phase flow in porous media and its implementation on GPU.
Bachelor‘s thesis, supervisor R. Fučík, FNSPE, CTU in Prague (2015). [PDF]
- J. Klinkovský, Modern visualization formats in TNL-LBM.
Talk at LBM in Kraków, Kraków, Poland, 7 February 2025. [slides]
- Organizer of the Workshop on Environmental Modeling: Fluid Flow and Transport Phenomena.
Prague, Czech Republic, 12 June 2024. - J. Klinkovský, How to simulate passive transport in a turbulent air flow: LBM + LBM or LBM + MHFEM?
Talk at CFD in Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland, 7 June 2024. - J. Klinkovský, Modern data formats for visualization: Adiós, VTK?
Talk at Workshop on Scientific Computing, Děčín, Czech Republic, 30 May - 2 June 2024. - J. Klinkovský, Optimizing LBM for Karolina and LUMI supercomputers.
Talk at LBM in Kraków, Kraków, Poland, 9 February 2024. [slides]
- J. Klinkovský, Overview of parallel and asynchronous computing in Python.
Talk at Workshop on Scientific Computing, Děčín, Czech Republic, 25-28 May 2023. [slides] - J. Klinkovský, A. Trautz, R. Fučík, T. Illangasekare, Development and optimization of a coupled multi-GPU LBM-MHFEM solver for vapor transport in the boundary layer over a moist soil.
Talk at SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE23), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 26 February - 3 March 2023. [slides] - J. Klinkovský, Optimizing LBM for GPU-accelerated supercomputers.
Talk at LBM in Kraków, Kraków, Poland, 24 February 2023. - J. Klinkovský, Simulating bubbling fluidization using Multiphase Particle-in-Cell method in OpenFOAM.
Talk at Workshop on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Kanazawa, Japan, 11 January 2023.
- J. Klinkovský, A. Trautz, R. Fučík, T. Illangasekare, Lattice Boltzmann Method–Based GPU Simulator for Vapor Transport in the Boundary Layer Over a Moist Soil.
Talk at ACOMEN 2022, Liège, Belgium, 31 August - 2 September 2022. - J. Klinkovský, A. Trautz, R. Fučík, T. Illangasekare, Development and experimental validation of lattice Boltzmann method-based simulator for vapor transport in air over a moist soil layer.
Talk at InterPore 2022, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 30 May - 2 June 2022. - J. Klinkovský, A. Trautz, R. Fučík, T. Illangasekare, Modeling vapor transport in air using LBM and MHFEM.
Talk at Workshop on Scientific Computing, Děčín, Czech Republic, 26-29 May 2022. - J. Klinkovský, A. Trautz, R. Fučík, T. Illangasekare, Development and optimization of a coupled multi-GPU LBM-MHFEM solver for vapor transport in air.
Talk at HPCSE 2022, Soláň, Czech Republic, 16-19 May 2022. - J. Klinkovský, M. Beneš, P. Eichler, J. Hrdlička, M. Kolář, T. Smejkal, P. Skopec, J. Solovský, P. Strachota, A. Žák,
Multiphase Particle-in-Cell Simulator for Bubbling Fluidized Bed Combustors: Development and Preliminary Results.
Talk at 18th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, San Diego, California, USA, 8-11 May 2022. - J. Klinkovský, R. Fučík, A. Trautz, T. Illangasekare, Development and experimental validation of coupled LBM-MHFEM simulator for vapor transport in air over a moist soil layer.
Talk at LBM in Kraków, Kraków, Poland, 4 February 2022.
- M. Beneš, P. Eichler, J. Klinkovský, M. Kolář, T. Smejkal, J. Solovský, P. Strachota, A. Žák, MP-PIC simulations of fluidization with kotelFoam.
Talk at Workshop on Scientific Computing, Děčín, Czech Republic, 22-24 August 2021. - J. Klinkovský, R. Fučík, A. Trautz, T. Illangasekare, Coupled LBM-MHFEM simulator for vapor transport in air over a moist soil layer.
Poster at InterPore 2021, online, 31 May – 4 June 2021. - J. Klinkovský, R. Fučík, A. Trautz, T. Illangasekare, Efficient LBM simulator for vapor transport in air over a moist soil layer.
Talk at LBM in Kraków, online, 5 February 2021. - J. Klinkovský, R. Fučík, A. Trautz, T. Illangasekare, Efficient LBM simulator for vapor transport in air over a moist soil layer.
Talk at Czech-Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics, online, 5-7 January 2021.
- J. Klinkovský, T. Oberhuber, R. Fučík, TNL: Numerical library for modern parallel architectures and distributed meshes.
Talk at Workshop on Scientific Computing, online, 4 December 2020. - P. Eichler, R. Fučík, J. Klinkovský, T. Oberhuber, P. Pauš, R. Straka, A. Wodecki, Optimization of the lattice Boltzmann method for multi-GPU clusters.
Talk at LBM in Kraków, Kraków, Poland, 7 February 2020.
- J. Klinkovský, R. Fučík, P. Eichler, R. Straka, T. Oberhuber, Performance evaluation of implicit coupling between the immersed boundary and lattice Boltzmann methods on GPU.
Talk at ICMMES 2019, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 22-26 July 2019. - J. Klinkovský, R. Fučík, T. Oberhuber, P. Eichler, R. Straka, Implementation and optimization of an LBM solver for multi-GPU clusters.
Poster at PUMPS+AI 2019 Summer School, Barcelona, Spain, 24-29 June 2019. - P. Eichler, R. Fučík, J. Klinkovský, T. Oberhuber, P. Pauš, R. Straka, A. Wodecki, Massively parallel LBM simulations using CUDA and MPI on multiple GPUs.
Talk at Workshop on Scientific Computing, Děčín, Czech Republic, 30 May - 2 June 2019. - J. Klinkovský, T. Oberhuber, R. Fučík, Computational study of MGSR- and CWY-based GMRES variants applied to two-phase flow in porous media.
Talk at HPCSE 2019, Soláň, Czech Republic, 20-23 May 2019. - J. Klinkovský, T. Oberhuber, R. Fučík, On the scalability of MGSR- and CWY-based GMRES variants for the solver of two-phase flow in porous media using MHFEM discretization.
Talk at InterPore 2019, Valencia, Spain, 6-10 May 2019.
- J. Klinkovský, R. Fučík, P. Eichler, R. Straka, T. Oberhuber, Numerical simulations of channel flow using lattice Boltzmann method on GPU.
Talk at Czech–Japanese Seminar in Applied Mathematics, Noto-cho, Japan, 13-16 July 2018. - J. Klinkovský, V. Žabka, T. Oberhuber, R. Fučík, Statically configurable data structure for conforming unstructured homogeneous meshes on CPUs and GPUs.
Talk at Workshop on Scientific Computing, Děčín, Czech Republic, 14-17 June 2018.
- J. Klinkovský, R. Fučík, T. Oberhuber, GPU solver for porous media two-phase flow problems using unstructured meshes.
Poster at GPU Technology Conference, Munich, Germany, 10-12 October 2017. - J. Klinkovský, NumDwarf: A multidimensional MHFEM/DG numerical scheme for two-phase compositional flow in porous media and its implementation on GPU.
Talk at CoMFoS17: Mathematical Analysis of Continuum Mechanics, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST), Japan, 20-22 September 2017. - J. Klinkovský, R. Fučík, NumDwarf: A general multidimensional MHFEM/DG numerical scheme for solving systems of PDEs on GPU with applications in mathematical modeling of two-phase compositional flow in porous media.
Talk at Workshop on Scientific Computing, Děčín, Czech Republic, 8-11 June 2017.
- J. Klinkovský, A massively parallel implementation of two-phase immiscible flow in porous media using the mixed-hybrid finite element method.
Talk at Workshop on Scientific Computing, Děčín, Czech Republic, 9-12 June 2016.
- J. Klinkovský, A massively parallel implementation of mixed hybrid finite element method for single-phase flow in porous media.
Talk at Workshop on Scientific Computing, Děčín, Czech Republic, 11-14 June 2015.