Awesome C++

C++ is efficient, expressive, high-level, multi-paradigm, cross-platform programming language.

Programmers who want to productively use C++, should:

See Awesome Modern C++, Awesome C++, A list of open source C++ libraries


Typical debugging workflow:

  1. use git bisect
  2. add custom output commands to the code: std::cout << "my_variable = " << my_variable << std::endl
  3. use valgrind
  4. use a sanitizer
    • g++/clang++ compiler options: -g -fsanitize=...
    • address + leak sanitizer: -fsanitize=address
    • memory sanitizer: -fsanitize=memory
    • undefined behavior: -fsanitize=undefined
  5. enable detection of floating-point exceptions (NAN, INF, etc.) using the feenableexcept function (which is not available on Windows)

    #include <cfenv>
    #include <csignal>
    #include <iostream>
    #ifdef _WIN32
    #include <cfloat>
    static void feenableexcept( uint16_t fpflags )
        unsigned int new_word = 0;
        if (fpflags & FE_INVALID) new_word |= _EM_INVALID;
        if (fpflags & FE_DIVBYZERO) new_word |= _EM_ZERODIVIDE;
        if (fpflags & FE_OVERFLOW) new_word |= _EM_OVERFLOW;
        unsigned int cw = 0;
        _controlfp_s(&cw, ~new_word, _MCW_EM);
    static void printInfoAndAbort( int sig = 0 )
        if( sig == SIGSEGV )
            fprintf( stderr, "Invalid memory reference, aborting...\n" );
        else if( sig == SIGFPE )
            fprintf( stderr, "Floating-point exception occurred, aborting...\n" );
            fprintf( stderr, "Aborting due to signal %d...\n", sig );
    int main()
        signal( SIGSEGV, printInfoAndAbort );
        signal( SIGFPE, printInfoAndAbort );
        feenableexcept( FE_ALL_EXCEPT & ~FE_INEXACT );
        double a = 1;
        double b = 0;
        std::cout << "a/b = " << a/b << std::endl;
        return 0;
  6. set some compiler macros (e.g. _GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS)

  7. use a debugger like gdb